American Alpine Project

Ascending America's Highest Peaks to Raise Spirits Around the Globe


"In this short span, between my fingertips and the rock and these feet cramped to this crystal ledge, is a life." – G.W. Young

Founded in 2006, the American Alpine Project is a non-profit organization composed of mountaineers who climb to stop world hunger. 

             Since 2006, AAP climbers have been on a quest to ascend the highest peak in each of the 50 U.S. states.  Following each successful ascent, donations are collected from private and corporate sponsors.  100% of proceeds go to Feed The Children, a worldwide organization dedicated to helping suffering children and families.  AAP climbers personally cover all travel, climbing, and promotional expenses.  To date, more than nine thousand dollars have been raised through AAP climbs!

Anyone who is fit and up to the challenge may join an AAP event, although some climbing experience is necessary for many of the more difficult mountains.  We have a few extra items, but for the most part, gear and supplies are the responsibility of individual participants.  Schedules of AAP outings can be found here on the site.  Dates may change, so please call if you plan to join us.  Contact us using any of the following methods:




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