American Alpine Project

Ascending America's Highest Peaks to Raise Spirits Around the Globe

Become an AAP Sponsor

                            Want to help AAP's climbers? 

        Becoming a sponsor is easy. Just drop us an email or call and tell us about yourself and your pledge ideas. We will need some basic information:

1) Your full name. If you are a private sponsor, you may choose to remain anonymous. If you are a corporate sponsor, we will also ask for the name of your business.

2) Your home or business address, as well as a valid email address.

3) The amount that you wish to donate per ascent. If you are a private sponsor, we ask that you pledge a minimum of one (1) U.S. Dollar per climb. Corporate sponsors are asked to donate a minimum of ten (10) U.S. Dollars per ascent.  Our climbers cover their own expenses - 100% of every donation goes to Feed The Children.

         At the end of each quarter, AAP will send you a form detailing any ascents completed as well as the pledge amount due.  We will also send you an envelope pre-addressed to AAP headquarters.
    When you get a chance, just mail us the envelope with the form and a check or money order. As soon as AAP receives your donation, we will forward it to Feed The Children.  AAP will then email you to confirm the details of your donation.  You will also receive a document from Feed The Children confirming your donation. 

To avoid any miscommunication between AAP, our sponsors, and Feed The Children, we keep detailed records of all transactions. 

          Contact AAP by email at:  

                      or call anytime at: (717)-413-4300.

         Thank you for your support and generosity! Remember, you are welcome to join us on our climbs. See the site's climbing schedule for more details if you are interested. - Joe Roda, AAP founder
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